Rangers of Honor

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Rangers of Honor

Post by Dailir »

In my mind when I think of rangers I think of men and women who were the honorable protectors of the land, the people, and all that is good. So Ive put a lot of thought into it lately and I think that rangers would have some form of code of honor or creed, similar to the Greek code of honor, the knights chivalry, or the US army rangers creed. So, I want to challenge you all for your help in devising a Ranger's code of honor. Ive tossed some ideas around in my head and was curious as to what you all could come up with. Have at it! :)
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by RangerKellen »

This is a good idea! I think it should include about how we fight for honor.
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Frothgar »

there are several codes of honour detailed in my Conan RPG books, ill try to get them posted here.

might give a good framework, or just some ideas.
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Yavion »

Let us reflect on the virtues as listed in The Song of Roland;
To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
To protect the weak and defenseless
To give succour to widows and orphans
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
To live by honour and for glory
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To obey those placed in authority
To guard the honour of fellow knights
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
To keep faith
At all times to speak the truth
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
To respect the honour of women
Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
Never to turn the back upon a foe
I've trimmed it a bit for the sake of those of us who follow a different path of faith and to give consideration to modern views of gender rolls (or the lack there of :smile:).

To protect the weak and defenceless
To give succour to those in need
To refrain from the wonton giving of offence
To live for honour
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To guard the honor of fellow rangers
To eschew unfairness, meaness, and deceit
At all times speak truth
To respect the honor of others
Never refuse a challange from an equal
Never turn the back upon a foe

To break it down;

To protect the weak and defenseless
  • This one is easy. If they are weaker than you and in need of defending and you can render assistance then do so.
To give succour to those in need
  • This goes hand in hand with the first one. If you are in position to help someone in need then do so.
To refrain from the wonton giving of offence
  • This one will be difficult for me. I love being obnoxious.
    When speaking be mindful of what you say. Words have power.
To live for honor
  • I cut "And glory" from this. I feel that a ranger does not live for glory as the knight in his shining armour does, but lives to fight the good fight for the sake of something greater.
To despise pecuniary reward
  • This is not to say that one would work without reward. If one offers a service for compensation then they should be compensated accordingly. This is to say that a reward offered illicitly is wrong. Bribery and the like.
To fight for the welfare of all
  • Does the lord hold more weight than the servant? How shall we weigh their worth? We should not. All are equal in the face of an Orcish invasion.
To guard the honor of fellow rangers
  • This one has two sides. On the one hand we must defend each other from defamation laid upon us by others. On the other hand we must act as a check for each other; a friendly and persistent reminder to stay constant in our honour.
To eschew unfairness, meaness, and deceit
  • This is one that, I think, would be difficult. Calling out when we witness these things is not easy in our modern world. It's not just striving to avoid these things ourselves but to also recognize them outside ourselves and call notice to them.
At all times speak truth
  • I love to throw a bit of exaggeration into a story to make it more interesting or intense, but unless it is a story around the campfire for pleasure is there really any reason to lie?
To respect the honor of others
  • I see this as understanding that there are other paths in this world that may not fully mesh with your own but are none the less just as valid.
Never refuse a challenge from an equal
  • Easy. Though it should be noted that these contests should be treated as a contest of skill and for the sake of mutual learning and comradery.
Never turn the back upon a foe
  • True foes, I think, are actually rare in this world. In the instance you find yourself facing a real one, do not turn your back on them. See things through.

This is just a very lose place to start and to further the discussion. :smile:
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Eledhwen »

One could also use portions of the Oath sworn by the Night's Watch in Song of Ice and Fire. I like that one.

"Now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness, the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realm. I pledge my life and sacred honor to this oath."

The phrases 'I am the sword in the darkness, the watcher on the walls' and 'the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realm' resonate most with me. I prefer simple, over a more knightly and flowery style personally. As a Dunedain Ranger in the wilds, for all that I descend from a great realm, I am now a pretty rustic individual in a more clan-like setup. To my mind.

Mileage varies, but I prefer simple & earthy over knightly, personally. The virtues can be the same, without the fancy bits. ;) One does not have to a knight to be honorable or virtuous.

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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Shadowhawk »

Here's something I put together.

Ranger's code

I am a ranger of the Dunedain,
Friend to the elves, guardian of the free peoples,
I have no home, I make the forests and rivers my home,
I am the flame that burns in the darkest night,
My sword protects the innocent,
My bow sings death against our enemy,
My spear guards the back of my brothers and sisters,
I seek neither glory or wealth, doing what is right is my reward,
I will never quit and never surrender,
I will never leave behind a fallen comrade,
I will never lie for my own sake, or to my allies,
If I die doing my duty, I do so with with a smile on my face,
I am a ranger of the Dunedain and this is my oath.

Not very good I must admit...
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Gondian »

Shadowhawk wrote:Here's something I put together.

Ranger's code

I am a ranger of the Dunedain,
Friend to the elves, guardian of the free peoples,
I have no home, I make the forests and rivers my home,
I am the flame that burns in the darkest night,
My sword protects the innocent,
My bow sings death against our enemy,
My spear guards the back of my brothers and sisters,
I seek neither glory or wealth, doing what is right is my reward,
I will never quit and never surrender,
I will never leave behind a fallen comrade,
I will never lie for my own sake, or to my allies,
If I die doing my duty, I do so with with a smile on my face,
I am a ranger of the Dunedain and this is my oath.

Not very good I must admit...
On the contrary Shadowhawk, I find it very good!
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Gondian »

Shadowhawk, would you mind if I used your code as my signature? It really resonates with me and I would be honored if you would give me permission to use it.
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Yavion »

That is very cool, Shadowhawk.

Though, after Eledhwen's post I have to say that I think something shorter and a little concise may be in order. :smile:
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Shadowhawk »

Gondian wrote:Shadowhawk, would you mind if I used your code as my signature? It really resonates with me and I would be honored if you would give me permission to use it.
Be my guest and thanks for the compliment.
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by RangerKellen »

Great job Shadowhawk! I really liked that!
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Fallsofdragon »

It is admirable, those who live by a code or set of guidelines
in their lives, in deeds thus revealed

Image The Queen of Light took her bow and then she turned to go
The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom and walked the night alone
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Frothgar »

I dig the 9 noble virtues.

For a more primitive code, there's the law of the jungle. "Kill to eat, or to avoid being eaten."

Civilization, it seems, prepared one to live, but not to survive.
-Cimmerian proverb
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Frothgar »

Conan RPG Codes of Honour.

A character with a barbaric code of honour will:

Respect alliances with other honourable characters.

Ignore an alliance with a dishonourable character, even
pre-emptively, if it suits him.

Abide loyally by a contract of employment, even with a
dishonourable employer, so long as the character is welltreated
and shown loyalty in return.

Slay a dishonourable foe, even if that foe is helpless.

Slay an honourable foe who is not helpless.

Protect those weaker than himself, at least from physical
dangers, if such protection is requested. This includes
ordinary folk such as peasants captured for interrogation,
who will be set free once it is safe to do so and rewarded
if they were of assistance, as well as children and most
women. A woman who has demonstrated herself to be
more capable in war than the average man need not be
protected, though the typical male with a barbaric code
of honour will probably attempt to protect her anyway.

Offer his allegiance only to an honourable leader who is
clearly stronger and better suited for power than himself,
or to a greater cause of some kind; once allegiance is
granted, the character must be utterly loyal, so long as
his leader remains honourable and loyal to him in return.
Note that a character with a barbaric code of honour
need not necessarily retain an allegiance that was always
intended to be temporary, such as a mercenary contract,
after the conditions are fulfi lled.

Plunder and rob anyone other than honourable allies.

Lie, cheat and con anyone other than honourable allies.

Have no in-principle objection to slavery, being willing to
keep or free slaves as it suits his purposes.

Grudgingly respect genuine piety but despise venal priests
and the typical trappings of civilised ‘religion’.

Like or dislike others based on their honour and their
actions, not on their religion or race.

Be hospitable and generous to those in need, even to
strangers. It is said that no man starves in Cimmeria,
unless there is a famine and all starve, because every
family will give of their own food to anyone without.

Respect the hospitality shown him.

Avenge any seriously intended insult with immediate and
lethal force, if at all possible. Note that barbarians new to
civilisation are likely to avenge even a jesting insult in the
same way, not having yet learnt the subtleties of civilised
behaviour, which can allow a man to insult another
without the imminent danger of having his skull split.

Avenge any physical harm done him, at the earliest
opportunity, in a manner fi tting his sense of balance and

A character with a barbaric code of honour will not:

Slay a wild animal, or any other creature, for sport alone.
He may slay in self-defence, or for revenge, or to get food
or other resources, or slay a sworn enemy.

Slay an honourable foe who offers a ransom or throws
himself on the character’s mercy.

Slay or steal from one who has shown him hospitality
in his own house, even if they turn out to be an enemy,
unless the other breaks hospitality fi rst.

Harm anyone currently under his protection or receiving
his hospitality, even if they turn out to be an enemy,
unless the other breaks faith fi rst.

Assist the authorities with any information about his
friends or allies, even if refusing to do so puts him at

Desert his henchmen or retainers, even if they appear to
desert him. If he ever achieves the position of chieftain or
a similar authority, he feels he must set an example to his
followers. Even if they doubt him, he must prove himself
to them, particularly if they need him.
Civilization, it seems, prepared one to live, but not to survive.
-Cimmerian proverb
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Re: Rangers of Honor

Post by Frothgar »


A character with a civilised code of honour will:

Respect alliances with other honourable civilised
characters. May also respect alliances with honourable
barbaric characters but this is not required.

Respect an alliance with a dishonourable civilised
character up until that character breaks it.

Offer his allegiance to any leader who might be regarded
as a legitimate authority, or to a greater cause of some
kind; once granted, the character must be utterly loyal, so
long as his leader or cause remains honourable and loyal
to him in return. Note that a character with a civilised
code of honour need not necessarily retain an allegiance
that was always intended to be temporary, such as a
mercenary contract, after the conditions are fulfi lled.

If seriously insulted, demand a formal duel at the next
suitable opportunity. Honour may also be satisfi ed with
sincere and profuse apologies, at the discretion of the
insulted party.

Obey the laws of his homeland and co-operate with lawful
authorities in other lands wherever possible, unless at war
with those lands. This applies even if such behaviour
would be to the detriment of his friends or allies.

Protect those weaker than himself, if such protection is
formally requested and if the person requesting protection
is highborn.

Have no in-principle objection to slavery, being willing to
keep or free slaves as it suits his purposes.

Respect religious authorities.

If religious, make war upon the enemies of his religion
without showing mercy or offering quarter.

A character with a civilised code of honour will not:

Break the law of the land, unless he has formally thrown
in his lot with an organised and (in his opinion) legitimate
force of rebels.

Slay an honourable foe who offers a ransom or throws
himself on the character’s mercy, unless ordered to do so
by a legitimate authority. Even in the latter case, if the
character believes that such an order indicates that the
authority is no longer legitimate, he may at the Games
Master’s discretion be able to avoid killing the foe, so long
as he immediately attempts to remove the illegitimate
authority from power; this may involve something along
the lines of the rebellion mentioned above.

Slay a dishonourable foe of noble birth who offers a
ransom or throws himself on the character’s mercy, unless
ordered to do so by a legitimate authority.

Knowingly work for a dishonourable employer.

Attack peasants or ordinary civilians and tradesmen,
unless those folk have openly rebelled against a lawful
Civilization, it seems, prepared one to live, but not to survive.
-Cimmerian proverb
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