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Where is my blade? In case you are wondering.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:13 am
by Eric C
Okay, so I was thinking of putting a post like this on my Ichthean Forge page on FB. But then I realized that everyone that I owe a blade to is on this site. Hmm. So anyway, I will hopefully be able to get to the forge and grinder this weekend for a while. I will take some pics - if applicable - and try to contact each of you through PM. I'll hopefully have something for you to see as well as a rundown of what's going on and what the hold-up is on finishing your blade.

If I owe you a project and you don't hear anything from me soon, please feel free to PM me. Finishing these projects will be my primary focus this year. I'm hoping to get them done within a reasonable amount of time.