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of rangers and elves ( story contest entry) hope you like!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:54 am
by dwayne davis
The river Bruinen flowed cold and swift, as three loan and weary traveler’s rested just out of sight. They had set up camp just in the tree line along the banks of Bruinen. It had been only ten years since the fall of the Dunedine chieftain arathorn.the men of numenor in the north lands had dispersed even further than they had been. It was known though that at least the son of arathorn has escaped the attack, in the arms of his mother, to be raised as all the chieftains had been for a time in the court of Elrond the half Elvin, in Rivendale. But long and weary had the journey for these rangers been. The place where they camped was long from the warm Elvin halls, the beautiful woods of Rivendale.

“We have spent a fortnight playing cat and mouse with these cursed mordor orcs” said Harrowfell to his companions. harrowfell was not all that old when you considered the lifespan of the men of westerness (about sixty winters). Dalromir was from illithen, and had met harrowfell about five years before, when Harrowfell’s journey’s had led him south to the borders Gondor . He had been hunting orcs then too. They were both filthy smelly and hungry, no time for simple comforts was to be had whilst this deadly game was played. But of the other member of their party they were most grateful for the companionship. Gillfren was of the Elvin folk of the Mirkwood, and had met both the men of numenor two winters before when they nearly met their end. They had wandered into a nest of Mirkwood spiders. Now anywhere else in middle earth spiders for the most part are not to be feared, but in certain places as in the Mirkwood it is wise to stay clear of them She, for their Elvin ally was of the fairer elf kind. Had been watching them from the beginning of their journey into the wood. Thankful were the rangers for the keen eyes and ears of the elvish folk, since then she had traveled with the two through their journey’s.

Gillfren was remarkable with her bow as were most of her kind , the rangers also carried bows in addition to their swords, it was their custom to engage at range before the enemy came close enough for blade work. This day the three were trailing a raiding party of orcs that were heading back south, they had camped at the fork where the Bruinen and Hoarwell join the Greyflood. The three had picked up the trail of the orcs as they passed through the trollshaws, Gillfren was able to down an orc who had fallen behind. Both harrowfell and Dalromir were able to coax information out of the filthy creature. It seems the enemy had decided to test the strength of the men of Dale and the Bree folk. The orcs had came from angmar far to the north. Some evil had sent these foul creatures from Carn Dum. To what end the rangers did not know, all they knew was if the enemy was allowed to return to angmar they would surely tell of the ill prepared state the Bree men were in.

The orcs crossed the river and had turned north.I am afraid they are heading into the barrow downs. Possibly they hope we will not follow them into that evil and dark realm. But follow them we must stated Gillfren, if they escape more will follow and ravage these lands, the enemy is becoming bold, brazen even. They followed the orc party for three weeks as they headed toward the downs. Gillfren said, The goblins have slowed down, almost as it they are loosing their nerve. “well I for one will shed no tears if the do” stated Dalromir. surely we can pick off twenty orcs before they enter there? They laid a plan to come around the orcs while they were stopped, they would set up inside the boundary of the barrow downs and drive the orcs back south . “they are so preoccupied right now trying to work up the courage to enter, they will never notice us coming around to get in front of them” harrowfell said. Yeah but we got to work up the courage first. Dalromir said. This is the final resting place of the men of Westerness of old said Gillfren , you’re kin. The lord of angmar has sent foul spirits to inhabit this place Gillfren. I for one do not look forward to entering here said Harrowfell. The party crept around the encampment of orcs. All twenty were arguing so loudly that they never even noticed the three creeping along the base of the low hills and mounds. the rangers set up at the base of a mound that lay beside the ruined road that ran through the downs. As they worked to set up their ambush they noticed shadows moving in the distance . The restless dead already stir, they sense the presence of the living amongst their abode. Stated Dalromir to Gillfren. When we are ready we will build a fire to draw the orcs into where we want them, it should keep the barrow weights at bay too, at least I hope it will, Harrowfell stated. Dalromir crept wearily among the barrows scavenging what he could to build a fire. He laid it up at the spot where they would draw in the orcs. Soon the wood was prepared, ready to be lit. by the pile lay dry tinder and harrowfell’s fire kit. Flint, steel, char cloth, and a bottle of oil to soak some smaller wood in.

Soon it would be night, the time to spring our trap is now, said Harrowfell. Dalromir stooped down and began to light the fire, small whips of smoke rose up as he blew into the smoldering tinder pile. Soon thanks to the Fieldcraft. of the ranger a fire burned in the downs. A rustling could be heard, then a foul stench like rotting meat assailed the three companions. Dalromir jumped with a start at the sight that seemed to rise in front of him. A form evil and malignant, what appeared to be a partial skeleton at least from the waist up with oily black lengths of hair falling from it’s head down it’s form. It seemed as though it faded to nothing below what would be its waist. Fire filled the foul things eye sockets, flames of fire danced in the orbits. Gillfren swiftly strung an arrow and let loose a shot into the creatures face. To no avail did the shot find it’s mark. Harrowfell leapt toward the thing with a burning brand, and smote it the face. The ghoul screamed a hideous cry then vanished almost as suddenly as it came. “The creatures fear fire it seams” as harrowfell made the statement an arrow found it’s mark in his thigh, harrowfell yelled out in shock and pain as he turned to see the orcs closing on them. “damn it all, we were so busy with that thing we let the enemy sneak up on us instead” Dalromir stated as he let loose a shot that downed an orc. Gillfren fired her bow as fast as she could re string arrows. Three then five orcs fell to the bows of the rangers and their Elvin ally. an orc arrow managed to graze Gillfren along her side, but the orc archer paid for it with his life. Soon the were close enough for the party to draw their blades, steel rang out as orc elf and ranger were locked in in a fight to the death. The battle raged till at last the final orc fell to the sword of Harrowfell. This night in this place we have accomplished the mission we set out on two months before.

“Come” said Gillfren to her companions, let us kindle the fire and dress our wounds, morning is yet but a few hours away, then shall we leave this place and return to Bree,
“and then to you’re home in the Mirkwood Gillfren” said Dalromir. Gillfren tended to the leg of Harrowfell with the skill in healing of her kind. Then as he rested Dalromir saw to the wound Gillfren had received. “ I will heal before we reach Bree” she said to her companion. “none the less I will tend to this wound” Dalromir said as he leaned in and kissed Gillfren gently, seeing their companion had fallen asleep. One day perhaps she told him gently.

(off in the distance eyes spied the party from a black robe upon a horse)

The End!

Re: of rangers and elves ( story contest entry) hope you like!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:23 am
by Elegost
Very good story! I'm sure you'll have a good chance at winning! 8)

Re: of rangers and elves ( story contest entry) hope you like!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:50 pm
by Mirimaran
It is a good tale! Love the use of Ranger terms and not overdone, very fluid!

Re: of rangers and elves ( story contest entry) hope you like!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:00 pm
by Willrett
very nice story.