New Thrown Weapons website

For all of the Talk that doesn't fit elsewhere.

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New Thrown Weapons website

Post by Ringulf »


Hello fellow Rangers!

I recently had a most stirring encounter with the new King of Trimaris.
On the day of his Coronation, he visited me upon the Throwing range and asked me to teach him to throw, as he had always desired to do so.

I spent a half hour or so with him giving him basic instructions on axe, seax and spear throwing, for that was all the time he could afford (perhaps more but he was enjoying himself emensly)

Last weekend I ran TW for a small event in Sudrholdt (a shire near Jacksonville) and it was a Norse themed event. The King showed up and was jonesing to throw! He did his king thing all around the event but spent most of his time in depth with me at the range.

After some more training, I got him to participate in the throwing of Royal Rounds (official scoring for the Society) and the story became rather Epic as you will see on the site.

In the end, His majesty encouraged me to build a seperate web site for TW in Trimaris which I will post here for you folks as well, along with a few garbed Throwing photos that I have been asked for. (on that note I am working on several more staged shots for you Greg in garb and the video) I have been sharpening up my garb to be able to get the right pictures for the profile contest and am almost there! some additional pictures of the accoutriments will be forthcoming.

This is the site, please understand it is a work in progress so you will see changes, you can become a member in the pictures area I believe and feel free to use the blog and the Cantact form. you need not be a Trimarian nor SCA member to be on, just interested in thrown weapons.

I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
I throw axes, seaxes, and pointy sticks, And I fire my bow through the day.
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Re: New Thrown Weapons website

Post by Ringulf »

updates have been made let me know what you think! :mrgreen:
I am Ringulf the Dwarven Woodsman, I craft leather, wood, metal, and clay,
I throw axes, seaxes, and pointy sticks, And I fire my bow through the day.
Come be my ally, lift up your mead! We'll search out our foes and the Eagles we'll feed! :mrgreen:
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Re: New Thrown Weapons website

Post by Ernildir »

Looks good! Now all you need are some knife-throwing video tutorials so I can learn without being a Trimarian! :mrgreen:
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Re: New Thrown Weapons website

Post by Greg »

I'll start with this:
The first three photos you posted in this thread have finally helped me start to visualize the Dwarven Ranger blend you're always talk about. I'm seeing it as a legitimate reality courtesy of those photos and that kit-in-progress, as you describe it.


As for the website...everything's always a work in progress, don't sell yourself short. You've got a good start going there.
Now the sword shall come from under the cloak.
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