Updates and Absences

For all of the Talk that doesn't fit elsewhere.

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Updates and Absences

Post by Manveruon »

Well hello again, everyone!

Boy oh boy, where to begin...

Yeah, so I've been gone a lot lately. At first it was because I was too busy and stressed out to consistently keep up with the forums - I became dangerously depressed towards the end of last year and this continued through February of this year when I finally had about as close to a full-on nervous breakdown as I've ever come, which led to my quitting my job very suddenly. This had... mixed results. On the positive side, I got out of an extremely toxic work environment that had been slowly eroding my personal identity and sense of self-worth for almost 3 years. I made the risky decision not to look for "regular" employment again, instead choosing to focus primarily on doing more character performances at birthday parties and other events, as well as crafting goods to sell - both for my own online shop and a local archery shop. Suddenly I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted, and that was kind of an amazing prospect. The negative side of this, however, is that I am not a remotely disciplined person by nature, and I have absolutely NO concept of time management. Therefore, over the last several months my life has become a bit of a chaotic mess, and I am really struggling to find balance, structure, and a healthy routine without having a 9-to-5 to keep me in line. What I also discovered is that, even though at the end my job was causing me so much anxiety that I couldn't focus on the goings-on around the forums, it also meant I was sitting in front of a computer for around 8 hours almost every day, and I completely underestimated just how much of a difference that made when it came to keeping up all my internet-based personal business. When I quit that job I suddenly just... didn't need to go online as much anymore - especially since my phone allows me to check Facebook whenever and wherever I want, which is really my primary internet addiction, leaving the rest of the stuff I do online to just sort of... die on the vine.

SO. Yeah. I have to say, I'm sorry. There were a number of projects for the forums I was working on before all this happened, and when things shifted I just completely dropped the ball on every single one of them. So once again, my sincere apologies, and I hope everyone can forgive my rudeness in raising expectations only to totally fail to follow through. I am trying to get myself in a place, mentally, where I am able to fulfill at least the most important of the obligations I made for myself before my big shake-up. For instance, I am still keenly aware that I owe both Greg and Udwin portraits of their respective personas (as well as potentially another portrait for Pete and/or Udwin as the winner of the contest I started earlier this year). I also very much want to continue, and eventually complete, the "Ranger Handbook for Beginners" I proposed starting last year.

So yeah... I've got a lot to catch up on.

One of the things I was absolutely adamant about earlier in the year was making sure I spent time this summer really getting "out there" in my kit and putting some miles under my boots. I've been trying to build a strong (if smallish) group of like-minded geeks here in CO who want to do it with me as well, but that's difficult to maintain, and sometimes I feel like the world's worst cat-herder. In any case, I haven't even done ONE single garbed hiking trip this year, and that is sometime I desperately want to remedy before all the good weather is gone.

That being said... I HAVE accomplished one ranger-related goal: I have (mostly) completed my New Line/PJ/Viggo Mortensen Aragorn costume build! Some of you have probably seen my progress on Facebook, but I do hope to post about it in great detail here just as soon as I make the time to actually sit down and do it. So keep an eye out!

Anyway, after the events of the past several months I have become extremely wary of making any promises about my future participation around here, but I'm HOPING I am starting to get my sh*t together enough to be more active soon, and to make up for some lost time. Don't be surprised if you see me resurrecting some preeeeetty old posts around here in the near future, as I struggle to catch up with all the goings-on I have missed.

That's all for now, but I hope everyone isn't too terribly annoyed at me, and I look forward to at least *trying* to show my face around here a little more consistently. Cheers!
Maerondir Perianseron, also called “Mickel,” Halfling Friend - Ranger of the Misty Mountains
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Re: Updates and Absences

Post by Greg »

All's well that ends well. You do you, get yourself where you need to be, and we'll always be here.

We're too stubborn to be anywhere else. Welcome back.
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Re: Updates and Absences

Post by Elleth »

Welcome back!

And oh yes, real life first. This is only a hobby. A fun hobby, but just a hobby. :)
If performance and crafting works, AWESOME CONGRATUALTIONS. If it gets tight, there's no shame in a day job.

Congratulations also on the Aragorn costuming: that's an impressive amount of work in a short time!
Persona: Aerlinneth, Dúnedain of Amon Lendel c. TA 3010.
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