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Well met!

Post by vulf »


I can't quite remember how I came across MERF and related subjects, but I happened upon all this at the beginning of the year or so and it's captured my imagination ever since. I somewhat frequently trek through the woods of Southern Indiana; although, I've been too busy lately to get out and hike to be honest. I've started to do some research and work towards building a kit, but it's admittedly slow going.

I look forward to spending some time kicking around this forum.
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Re: Well met!

Post by Elleth »

Mae Govennen vulf! Welcome!
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Re: Well met!

Post by Taylor Steiner »

Frodo lives!
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Re: Well met!

Post by Barandir »

Well met and welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay!!
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Re: Well met!

Post by Harper »

Welcome Ranger!
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Re: Well met!

Post by Greg »

Welcome! Glad to see you get signed up. Keep us posted on your progress...you and I will have to hit the woods sometime.
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Re: Well met!

Post by Eofor »

What ho!

Welcome to the forums Vulf, glad to have you aboard.
But the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears and bitter. Fewer were they but they clove through the Southrons like a fire-bolt in a forest.
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Re: Well met!

Post by Iodo »

Welcome :P
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Re: Well met!

Post by Eothain »

Well met and welcome, vulf!

I look forward to seeing where this path leads you!
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Desert Loon
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Re: Well met!

Post by Desert Loon »

South Indiana sounds lovely.
Making time for adventures is a challenge, and I too am building up my kit at a snail's pace. But one nice thing about this forum, besides everyone being so encouraging, is that you can post pictures of your trips and if you're not in them it doesn't matter what you're wearing.
Glory be to God for dappled things
And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim. (Hopkins)
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