Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

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Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Cimrandir »

No 'laich i-ador en-onnad lîn!

Happy Happy Birthday!
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Re: Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Taylor Steiner »

Happy birthday rangers!
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Re: Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Elleth »

Happy birthday!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Harper »

Happy Birthday Rangers!
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Peter Remling
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Re: Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Peter Remling »

Thanks Everyone for the Birthday Wishes!
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Re: Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Eofor »

Oooof I'm late again but happy birthday regardless to both of you. I hope it was fun.
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Re: Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Greg »

Happy birthday extra-extra late!
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Re: Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Iodo »

Happy birthday :P (extra-extra-extra late)
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Re: Happy Birthday to Pete and Thalion of Bree!

Post by Thalion of Bree »

Oof, wow, I'm late to my own birthday wishes. Thanks, guys! Sorry I missed it. I was clearing deadfall with my cousin's new axe, and it was actually so much fun! I also got to futz around with his scythe, which was a good time. I got the technique down before too long.
-Thalion, Thontaur's son
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