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Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 10:55 pm
by Straelbora
Not sure if it's a coincidence, but the Numenorean art reminds me a lot of Minoan art. And wasn't a popular (though now mostly discredited) theory in the first half of the 20th century that the Minoan Greek civilization was the origin of the Atlantis myth?

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 1:06 pm
by Greg
Udwin wrote:I'd be scared to think about how much the client paid for it.
I'm scared as well...but for some reason, unreasonably motivated/undeterred.

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 11:07 pm
by Manveruon
WOWZERS, that is GORGEOUS! Man, if I had the money I would TOTALLY put one of these in my living room! I'm also surprised at just how aesthetically pleasing the final result is, given that I've always felt the Professor's designs were a little busy, to say the least. But yeah, it totally works!

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:02 pm
by Elleth
So I've been thinking of Numenorian motifs of late. I still think it's a perfect foundation to start with, but the more I contemplate them, the more... out of place it seems to be using unaltered motifs from thousands of years previous in the late Third Age. And many have a mediterranean feel that doesn't perfectly translate to the more northwest European vibe of Eriador.

And so I've been contemplating recently about "evolving" them..

This is a first stab, inspired by Udwin's fantastic leaf ornaments on my Yulemath Spoon. (yay! :lol: )
The original foundation of the arc motif is there (top bar), but they've been filled in a bit to form leaves(bottom bar).
I'm not sold on this particular pattern yet - it still feels a little too Mediterranean - but it's the direction I'm starting to think.
merf-dunedain-ornament-01.jpg (49.17 KiB) Viewed 49762 times
For another look, here's some sketches by the Professor himself:
merf-tolkien-flowers.jpg (19.38 KiB) Viewed 49772 times
You can see some of the same "DNA" there as it's by the same hand, but it's pushed in a more "medieval manuscript page decoration" direction, like this historical example:
merf-medieval-illumination-flower.jpg (24.31 KiB) Viewed 49772 times


Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:55 am
by Manveruon
Love it! And i think you're headed in the right direction! I agree with your logic here too, though I'm definitely more of a layperson than many here in terms of the fullness of Middle-earth culture.
In any case though, I feel like medieval vinework in various illuminations is a great place to look for inspiration, and it has a real feeling of connection to some of the vinework Tolkien drew.

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 5:06 pm
by Elleth
Aaaaand I think I got a good one!
dunedain-third-age-repeating-pattern.gif (12.36 KiB) Viewed 49730 times
The leaf motif owes a lot to both Udwin and Cedarlore Forge, but the arc DNA is all Professor.
I think it'll work out well. :)

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 1:04 am
by Manveruon
LOVE how that came out! Of course, I may be biased, because I an extremely partial to Cedalore's designs, and you're right; this certainly evokes that style.

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 11:58 pm
by Udwin
Nice one! I DIG it!

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 8:19 pm
by Udwin
Year-old necropost, but it's a worth it....I have goodies for you all!
My local public library has a copy of the book that accompanied the recent Tolkien exhibit. I combed it yesterday for juicy bits, and found this!
From p.195, a collection of 'Numenorean patterns', circa 1960. The editor thinks they "look like designs for brooches or clasps", I'll let you decide. Enjoy!

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:48 pm
by Iodo
Cool find :P

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 10:28 pm
by Greg
Looks like rejected cover art for C.S. Lewis's "Out of the Silent Planet"...


...but cool!

At least they're fairly consistent in style to the Numenorean Helmet/Headpiece art we already have.

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 1:19 am
by caedmon
Udwin wrote:Year-old necropost, but it's a worth it....I have goodies for you all!
My local public library has a copy of the book that accompanied the recent Tolkien exhibit. I combed it yesterday for juicy bits, and found this!
From p.195, a collection of 'Numenorean patterns', circa 1960. The editor thinks they "look like designs for brooches or clasps", I'll let you decide. Enjoy!
Yup, saw that it in the local bookstore. It's rather upset my classification scheme. As it was in a bookstore I didn't feel like it was appropriate to pull out my camera. Thanks for doing the work for me!

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 12:45 am
by caedmon
I don’t care for this style. And it doesn’t fit with his other Numenorean stuff. I’ve decided that for my head canon, this is a Black Numenorean style. And it does kinda look like the Mordor Special Missions Flying Corps logo.

On the other hand, it does cement (ugly) interlace as a Numeonrean style as hinted by the carpet mentioned in The Lost Road.

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:05 am
by Elleth
I think I rather like that interpretation Caedmon.

As much as I love the charming nature of his other doodles, I'm not partial to this aesthetic either. Too jangly and chaotic.
I wonder when he did them? They certainly have an early-mid-1960's mod feel to me.

Regarding the carpet: my memory is that was brought to Middle-earth by the Faithful? Is that the case?
If so, I'd *expect* it to be in a more traditional style, but sentiment and shared roots could account for the similarity just as well.

Re: Numenorean design motifs

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 5:35 pm
by kleenur
I have been thinking about what sort of white start to put on my garb, specifically for the chest of my eventual tunic, and eventual armor. For the most part I am leaning towards a 6 point version because to my eye the island of Numenor looks like it has six points. To my way of thinking a culture that so clearly revere's their ancestors (as noted by the genealogical focus), would want their symbology to reflect their roots. In this case they are descended from Numenor, which if you count the tiny little bit in the bottom center has six, points. I think its great that we all think so deeply about these things.