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Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:49 pm
by E.MacKermak
Well, companions, I plan to be home on leave during October this year. During this time I plan to make it to two events that would make excellent opportunities for Ranger gatherings.

The first is War of the Wings, an SCA event at Elchenburg Castle, Bonnville, NC, on 6-10 October. I plan to be conducting some heavy fighting, but would make time for any Ranger who might make an appearance.

The second is the NC Renaissance Festival, in Concord, NC. The 15th and 16th is the SciFi and Literary weekend, a perfect time for a band of rangers to make an appearance.

If anyone is up for either of these, we can work out the specifics.

Hope to see you out there!

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:54 pm
by Greg
No promises, but I'll see what I can make out of the Faire. The drive may be a little too painful after a move, but we'll see.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:00 pm
by Mirimaran
I am off on alternating weekends but unfortunately that is one of the weekends that I have to work. We live about 45 minutes away from the CRF, but do hope to see some of you guys this year down there. My step-daughter and her son will be visiting towards the end of October, probably the weekend before Halloween. It will be his first Ren Faire! :) Anyone else have dates that work/don't work?


Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:53 pm
by Eric C
With the current employment situation, we're not sure what we'll be able to do this year. But I'm still hoping for a miracle so we can go for the Sci-fi and Literary weekend.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:21 am
by Kiriana
Yeah, we wish would could have a choice for weekends but unfortunately scheduling is a weee bit tough this year.. I was just so excited that we had 2 weekends in a row for events for us while he is home. He doesn't get to stay for long.

Hope some of you are able to make it.. If not, we fully understand.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:57 am
by Eric C
That's the weekend we really want to go. I'm hoping we can go at all. We've been trying for the past two years and something has always stopped us.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:42 pm
by E.MacKermak
Well, Eric, assuming it isn't earmarked for other things (who needs to eat anyway), you will have sold at least one knife by that time. If you can't pull it off we will understand...we might have to make a sidetrip at some point.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:03 pm
by Eric C
Hehe. I'm hoping to get some knives together for some knife shows somewhere. So maybe there'll be more than one sold by then. The good news is that the shop is almost closed in enough that the winter isn't going to bother me as bad this year.

Also, I need to send you some progress pics. Hopefully that'll be sometime between this afternoon and tomorrow night.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:40 pm
by E.MacKermak
Just a reminder: for those going to be in the Carolinas the 2nd and 3rd weekend of OCT, I will be at the SCA's War of the Wings, 7-10 OCT, and the Carolina Renn Faire, the 15th or 16th. Coming all the way from Afghanistan for these. Hope to see a few rangers out there.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:25 pm
by Ringulf
I would have loved to make it to the War of the Wings this year I have not been up there since the Tounement of Freinds almost two years back. Brandwynn was a regular WOW goer for many years doing the equestrian stuff there.
Unfortunately she will be comming down again to FL to do a local Demo with the shire the weekend before and have to zip back up to VA after. and with the little med problem I had the other day I won't be able to drive it myself. So Bonne Chance! and enjoy, I am truly looking forward to an opportunity to meet you folks but timing will be the key!!


Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:42 am
by E.MacKermak
We'll work it out sometime. Might require a run down there for us (we have done that before) or a meet in the middle type deal. Sorry you won't make WoW but we'll catch up with you some day.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:06 am
by Ringulf
We are going to be putting on our first event in several years in my shire.
I have convinced them to make it a Ranger Moot.
We are targeting the spring for the event and plan on making the central theme the Ranger's arts.
That is yoemanry, thrown weapons, target archery, a roving course and a combat archer's last man standing Bear pit kind of Tourney.

We have planned a wayfarers meal on friday of roast fowl and sundries, apple bacon and eggs for the breakfast, A hunters Stew (catchiatore) for lunch. a pig roast for dinner and a bardic circle that night. Leftovers for Sun breakfast.

I will be having a limited number of vendors, but so far there is a garb vendor that is working on cloaks, hoods, tunics etc, an Archery vendor (always does a beautiful job I bought my son's horsebow from her) and I am trying to get some others, including some victualers and leather merchants. Could be a great place for a few weaponsmiths to combine or run a booth!

Classes will be on different archery support skills such as fletching, string making, leatherwork outdoor cooking firemaking, ect.

We are going to have the moot in place of court, presided over by the captain of the Rangers and possibly the Baron and Baronesse of Darkwater.
Primative camping is encouraged and we will have basic bathroom and possibly shower facilities. I am trying to spearhead this event as the Ranger of Vacca del Mar and it is an SCA event but it will be open to the public.

I would love for all my Merf freinds to feel welcome to come. In many ways you folks were the inspiration for the event as I have been swept up by this wonderful site and its people and want to share the experience with my Kingdom.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:17 pm
by E.MacKermak
Keep us up to date. If it works with my re-deployment, I will try to make...sounds like a blast.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:31 am
by appalachianranger
Sorry that I was unable to attend what sounded like excellent events, but like Thorin Oakenshield I must spend a time working hard for others to improve my quality of life and prepare for my own quest to find a true home. Until then, my vacations and frivolities are severely limited.

Re: Carolina Meeting opportunities

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:11 pm
by Kiriana
We went to the Carolina Ren Faire and it was good. Erich's new Avatar pic is one I took while we where there hehe. I will post more pics up on FB on the MK acct soon hehe. Oh and pics from our SCA event the week before.