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First Aid Kit

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:06 pm
by Ernildir
What do y'all think a Ranger should be carrying in his first aid kit?

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 4:00 pm
by Frothgar
im still not as good as id like to be with my medicinal plants. d like to learn enough to make some salves and balms and such.

but in my small primitive med bag i cary some wintergreen leaves, some sphagnum moss, and some strips of fabric.


Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 4:26 pm
by Jonathan B.
Linen bandages, needle, thread, and salve or ointment. I will probably be picking up some calendula salve or ointment.

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:29 pm
by Erhilir
My opinion is to carry a modern first aid kit. We shouldn't play with safety.

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:47 pm
by Ringulf
I agree with your statement brother, but also suggest that just because it is modern, does not mean it is always superior. The best first aid kit is the prepared and vigalent mind that looks to avoid the most probable cause of accident and that would be carelessness.

Putting oneself into harms way is a choice and one many of us do not avoid. I play with axes, seaxes and pointy sticks I hunt in alligator infested waters, swim in a shark attack rich envirenment and ride horses. Do I carry a modern kit? You a whole lotta other stuff to suppliment it.

The biggest thing to get across to folks is that carrying any kit without the training to use it, is foolish.

So my advise to everyone is: get the kit, add to it from experience and planning, then learn to use it. :mrgreen:

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 7:53 pm
by mcapanelli
Ringulf wrote:Shadowshutter,
I agree with your statement brother, but also suggest that just because it is modern, does not mean it is always superior. The best first aid kit is the prepared and vigalent mind that looks to avoid the most probable cause of accident and that would be carelessness.

Putting oneself into harms way is a choice and one many of us do not avoid. I play with axes, seaxes and pointy sticks I hunt in alligator infested waters, swim in a shark attack rich envirenment and ride horses. Do I carry a modern kit? You a whole lotta other stuff to suppliment it.

The biggest thing to get across to folks is that carrying any kit without the training to use it, is foolish.

So my advise to everyone is: get the kit, add to it from experience and planning, then learn to use it. :mrgreen:
Couldn't have said that better if I tried. A fun trek can sure to bad real fast when something happens and your not prepared fir it.

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:49 pm
by Erhilir
I agree of course the best kit is to prevent an accident from happening, but if you are in emergency for example if a snake bites you What would you do? you would try to find a primitive way to pull out the poison while you suffer?
I don't think its a good idea.

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:49 pm
by Erhilir
sorry for the double post I forgot to say that a good idea is to put all the modern supplies from your kit to a pouch to make it look better!

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 7:13 pm
by Mirimaran

some good info in there! Personally, I'd have a first aid kit in a pouch, but you could always make up a more "period" type kit for show. Always, safety first!


Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 9:45 pm
by Ringulf
shadowshutter wrote:Ringulf,
I agree of course the best kit is to prevent an accident from happening, but if you are in emergency for example if a snake bites you What would you do? you would try to find a primitive way to pull out the poison while you suffer?
I don't think its a good idea.
I think you mistook my meaning.
I did say to get the modern kit.
Be prepared!
I don't expect you to run around with a bottle full of leeches!
I only meant to say that just because it is modern and comes in a little plastic package with a sheet that says you have 3 of these and 10 of those etc, that does not mean it is any more protection (quite possibly less) than if you selected a sensable kit, with what you really need. Throw away the stupid little plastic scissors and tweezers and that kind of stuff, and replace them with real tools, bandages medicines or other salves and creams, kinda like your life depended on it. Then you will also know exactly what's in there should you really have a problem.

Making some of the items basic and somewhat period is a fun excersize. but making a proper first aid kit of your own design takes the knowledge of how to use it. which in my opinion is far better than leaving your state of preparedness up to Mr Procter Or Mr Gamble!

And if a snake bites you (depending on where) make sure you have a really good friend around to extract the venom because the silly little rubber cups you get in a "modern" kit are only like 65% effective. :mrgreen:

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 2:45 am
by Dailir
I think that both period and modern kits have their merits, but it never hurts to have both. I think most important though is knowing how to use it. Ive been first aid trained and certified on a modern kit, so there is no way you'll find me using a period kit. But if you know your period kit like the back of your hand but cant even open a bandage, well then id say its obvious which to have. In my opinion having the tools is important, but having the knowledge is imperitive. But to speak about the snake bite dilemma, I'm forced by my conscience to inform you all. Recent studies have found that suction of any kind is ineffective and should be avoided. Treatment should include restricting movement without restricting blood flow, keeping the persons pulse down, removing any jewelry in case of swelling, monitoring their vitals, and most importantly getting immediate medical help and correct identification of the snake without endangering yourself.

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:24 pm
by Greg
I carry modern gauze and bandage, just like the next guy...but I have some strips of linen that, once the bandage is in place, I can wrap over the top of it for looks and enjoy the rest of my trip, assuming it isn't a serious injury. For cuts and such, it works great and I feel like I'm still doing history justice.

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:46 pm
by RangerKellen
Nice idea Greg! I think I'm going to have to start doing that! :)

Re: First Aid Kit

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:33 am
by Le-Loup
I have always kept my medical supplies in a drawstring leather pouch. Recently I expanded those supplies so needed a slightly larger pouch. I used to carry strips of cloth for bandages, but now I carry modern bandages. I carry iodine as an antiseptic & to use in purifying water if for some reason I am unable to boil it.
The one item I am never without these days is an eye wash glass. I actuallu have a period style glass bottle which works well, but if you can't find one then I recommend you carry a modern one. There is nothing quite so dibilitating as not being able to see! A puff of wind in the ashes of a fire or dirt from the forest floor & you are stuffed! ... uch021.jpg ... ent012.jpg