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Other books

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:57 am
by Ranger Guerin
I've read lord of the rings the hobbit and even the silmarillion and also all the rangers apprentice books byjohn Flanagan and was wondering if there were any other books like them preferably with rangers in them

Re: Other books

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:23 pm
by E.MacKermak
You can check out SM Stirling's Emberverse novels. There is a Ranger designed organization that develops following the collapse of civilization.

Re: Other books

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:38 pm
by Manveruon
If you're interested in general medieval whatnot (and don't mind a little sex and gore), you might be interested in checking out the "Outlaw" series, by Angus Donald. They're books about Robin Hood, from a more historical standpoint, and told from the perspective of a young Alan A-Dale. They're somewhat in the style of Bernard Cornwell. And for that matter (though it's not about rangers, nor even woodsmen of any kind) there's the Archer's Tale by Bernard Cornwell, the first in his Grail Quest series, and in my opinion really the only good part of it. Cornwell also wrote a fantastic trilogy of historical fiction books about Arthurian Britain called the Warlord Chronicles that I highly recommend.

Re: Other books

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:35 pm
by robinhoodsghost
Read the books by George RR Martin in the "Songs of Ice and Fire series". The fIrst one is "Game of Thrones". great books with a differant take on Rangers. He places them in the cold elements of the north. I really like the context that they are protectors of the realm, but looked down upon and seen as antique. Martin doesn't always have good win the day, main charaters die and most are not hero or villain, but something in between. Just like real life. He has been called the next Tolkien....I wouldn't go that far, but he is a great writer none the less.

Let me know what you think after reading,

Re: Other books

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:25 am
by Willrett
I have a few I really like

Terry Goodkind- Sword of Truth series- book 1 Wizards First Rule. Richard the main character starts off as a woods guide.

Robert Jordan- Wheel of time series- book 1 Eye of the world. I'm a big fan of this series and I think the warders are very close to rangers.

R.A. Salvatore- The Dark Elf trilogy- book 1 Homeland. Has everything a good series has. Drizzt basically becomes a ranger because its a religious type calling. Salvatore has two other series that are really good and kinda rangerish.