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What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 4:02 pm
by jackadmin
If anyone is interested....

Here are the big changes that made it into the site in the last few days:
I upgraded PHPBB to PHPBB3
I installed Joomla as a site manager (this allows us to use one username and login for everything on this site.)
I upgraded the Image Gallery (which has languished because user management has been so hard)

Changes that remain outstanding:
Refining the login method
create and integrate a wiki to better flesh out Ranger related Resources.

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 4:33 pm
by Chris Russo
Oooh, a wiki! Nice!

This may not be the place to ask, but how do you add pics to the Gallery again?

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:15 pm
by Willrett
I like the gallery change and wiki, but I'm not a big fan of the new layout. I liked the old looks but with the new features but I still love the site.

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:07 am
by Beornmann
purely some constructive feedback, so please don't read into commnets:
I'm all about improvements and being a change-agent, so if you find phpBB better great (I don't understand what or how you manage a board, so have at it).
I think or feel there is a lag or slowness when navigating.
I had difficulty logging in. Not sure what was happening, but I tried several times and was not sure if I was in or not. Received many invalid webpage errors.

As Wilrett stated, I liked the look, feel, and atmosphere of the old scheme and layout. It felt more subdued and natural. GREEN is Good!. The extreme white background is sterile and too contemporary. The green, tapestry, floral image feels too refined for our rough and tumble ways.

The rest of the changes, I think I just need to get adjusted to the differences. I feel like I just had a Windows upgrade and can;t find buttons and features.

Looking forward to the image gallery.

Again, don't read too much into my dissertation. I appreciate you volunteerism and efforts towards further our Ranger community.
Rim hennaid,

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:54 am
by david lewis smith
i would like to have a link or button to "posts since your last long in" or am I just not seeing it?

I have to say I like the old forum better

Edit, found the new posts link

you know, I just do not care for the new lay out, but I am not the one doing the work so what ever is best for the code monkeys is best

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:23 am
by jackadmin
Chris Russo wrote:Oooh, a wiki! Nice!

This may not be the place to ask, but how do you add pics to the Gallery again?


After you log in (not sure login is working quite right, you may need to log into the Gallery separately, but it is the same username and password as the front end and the forum.), scroll down to bottom of any album and click 'edit' to go into edit mode. Feel free to Create a Album with you name on it under 'personal folders'. From there you can add, edit or move files about.


Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:47 am
by jackadmin
Hey guys thanks for the feedback, I'm going to respond to several posts in this note.

First, overwhelmingly there has been a request to return to the old forum template or something like it. The old template is a PHPBB 2 template and won't work with PHPBB 3. I am looking to for a good template that I can modify for the forum needs. It will be Greens, Browns, and Yellows. It will most probably not have rounded corners, or 'glass' color schemes.

*i would like to have a link or button to "posts since your last long in" or am I just not seeing it?

I will see what is available, one thing that it might serve the same purpose is that I am going to implement RSS for it. (for those who don't know RSS, it's a way to have new topics automatically delivered to you. Most modern browsers and email programs can subscribe to RSS feeds)

*I think or feel there is a lag or slowness when navigating.
*Received many invalid webpage errors.

Yes, I was noticing this today. I'm not sure why. I have added direct links to the forum and gallery which strip out the tapestry. This seem to seriously speed things up, and fix the errors.

*I had difficulty logging in.

I am experiencing this as well. I think this is a cookie issue, I will work this through, but by dumping my cookies I have been able to get past this. PM me if you don;t know how to do this.

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 11:27 am
by Eledhwen
Well..I can log in just fine with IE..but not with Firefox. It still says I'm logged in but I can't access my profile or post and the blank white screen still shows up just after entering name and password.

But I can get access with IE.


Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:22 pm
by Gareth

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:00 pm
by jackadmin
Gareth wrote:Here's a fun one.

Same as sister Siani, I can't get on via FireFox on my home computer. I can however get on using FireFox at the library... Odd.
Well, I know it's not a Firefox only issue, I'm a Linux/Mac guy, and my main browser is a Firefox base. The main trouble seems to be related to cookies. In fumbling around I have changed how cookies are dealt with a couple tiems, and I think that Firefox is faling over there. THis is why FF works in one place and not the other, you had not existing cookies ont he Library computer.

This is how I fixed it for myself in firefox.
[*]Get the 'Web Developer' firefox add-on -
[*]You will be prompted to restart firefox, do so.
[*]When FF restarts you have the new 'Web Developer' toolbar.
[*]Go to the Ranger Forum
[*]The second item on the toolbar is 'cookies' click on it, select 'View Cookie Information'
Picture 15.png
Picture 15.png (35.69 KiB) Viewed 36708 times
[*]This brings up a page listing all cookies for the Ranger Forum.
Picture 16.png
Picture 16.png (77.94 KiB) Viewed 36703 times
[*]Scroll through and delete All cookies on this page.
[*]Close cookies page, and try logging in again.

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:05 pm
by Eledhwen
That seems to have done the trick! Thanks! :)


Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:49 am
by Gareth

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:51 am
by hesinraca
Is it just me or is there no register button? My girlfriend wants to join but we can't find it;(

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 1:41 am
by Peter Remling
I can't be the only computer illiterate person here so:

Just a tip for some of the others who may have problems still signing on and the above download doesn't work for your system.

Sign on your internet connection, go to Tools on your bars, the bottom most prompt is Internet connections, press it. Under Browsing History it will ask if you want to delete Temporary files, cookies, saved passwords and history hit delete then Okay.

After the deletion process is complete, turn off, then restart your computer. Navigate to Middle Earth Ranger Forum and sign on, you should be good to go.

You will have to sign back on other forums as their passwords too will be deleted even if it is normally automatic.

Re: What's going on, What I did...

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:06 pm
by hesinraca
jackadmin wrote:
Chris Russo wrote:Oooh, a wiki! Nice!

This may not be the place to ask, but how do you add pics to the Gallery again?


After you log in (not sure login is working quite right, you may need to log into the Gallery separately, but it is the same username and password as the front end and the forum.), scroll down to bottom of any album and click 'edit' to go into edit mode. Feel free to Create a Album with you name on it under 'personal folders'. From there you can add, edit or move files about.

I'm not seeing this edit button....