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Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:38 pm
by Daerir
Ok I know I put a thing up about leg wraps a while back. Originally I was going to get tall boots and just tuck sweatpants into them. Well I have ankle boots and I was just wondering what would actually look alright with them, without doing anything to the boots. My second initial plan was ankle boots, sweatpants and a leg wrapping from the boot to the knee, Im just not sure? Some insight? I would like to show my boots if possible.

Re: Pants

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:17 am
by Udwin
Sorry for the knee-jerk reaction, but:
before going through the anguish of deciding what foot/lower leg covering will go best with your sweatpants, you should first run--don't walk--to your local thrift shop and find a pair of >$5 serviceable, plain linen trousers to replace the sweatpants you're going to throw out. Seriously. It doesn't matter how budget-limited you are, if you wish to be taken seriously as a Ranger, please avoid fuzzy modern garments typically worn by frat boys too hungover to change out of pajamas before an 8am class.

With that said, militaries of the last several hundred years (at least) often paired short ankle boots with either the aforementioned legwraps/winningas/puttees or some sort of gaiter/spat:
Image Image

Re: Pants

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:29 am
by wulfgar
I agree on finding a substitute for the sweatpants. You will see the reason the first time you get wet,,,and stay that way because they take forever to dry. There's not much worse than cold wet pants.

Re: Pants

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:57 am
by Daerir
Well I did need to get a different colour. I have to much grey abd I was thinking brown. I'll be making a trip to goodwill soon lol

Re: Pants

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:40 am
by Ringulf
Just a tip about thrift stores, it is rather difficult to find the "no pocket, belt loop" styles in men's clothing (though if it looks good these can be altered) with any type of period looking material.
Sometimes it's better to look in the large womens rack.
Yeah I know slightly awkward, but the variety there is normally so much better. Some can be a bit baggy (not always a bad thing) some are very much like wool hosen or ski pants and you may find some light blousy stuff that could make good russ or easterling type pants. (if you are into that kind of thing)
Many basic pants can be altered easily as compared to making them yourself. Just look for good materials and textures along with color and keep an open and creative mind. great place for suede and leather in old coats and skirts and such. You would be amazed what you can do with these and some leather pouches and purses or knapsacks. I actually found a small sealskin hide on sporan the other day and I use it unaltered in my garb.

Re: Pants

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 3:16 am
by Daerir
I think in going to try my hand in a pair of gaiters. I was hoping I could make them from leather but I don't see that happening. I'm also going to need a new leather jerkin for mine is to small now. So let's see, my shopping list now includes a jacket, linens pants, abd something I can use for gaiters...this should be interesting

Re: Pants

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:41 pm
by RikJohnson
sweats also collect thorns, brambles, leaves, twigs, etc which may provide a bit of camoflague, but become somewhat uncomfortable whrn those sharp pointy bits work their way into your skin.

Although I sew my own pants... (I take an old pair of pants apart, lay them over cloth as a pattern, cut & sew)... it is possible to modify some existing pants.
Remove the belt loops, remove or sew up the pockets, get rid of the zipper and put laces instead...
not the best solution, but better than wearing blue denim jeans to a medieval recreation event.

Re: Pants

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:24 pm
by Arbellason
I remember seeing a pair of wool pants in brown or grey on KOA yes they are about 20 30 bucks but they look nice too.

Re: Pants

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:30 pm
by Manveruon
Ringulf's suggestion is very, very true. I found a fantastic pair of 100% genuine linen drawstring pajama pants in the women's section of my local Goodwill, and now they're my "filthy pirate gunner" trousers. Couldn't have asked for a better find, and I never would have found them in the men's section.

Re: Pants

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:44 pm
by Rifter
I too ditched sweats years ago. I bought some medieval velvet pants for my strider and ranger kits and have some wool period pants for my knightly kit. I used to use a light khakii material pant years ago to tuck my tall boots into. It was a good start to where I am now.

Re: Pants

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:18 pm
by wulfgar
For the gaiters you could go the very simple route of making some Eastern style leggins and cut the side flaps off. I could see a Ranger devising something like this in the wilds as his gear wears out. ... ckskin.php ... GS-CLOTHES
You can make them out of lightweight wool if you don't have the brain tanned or German tanned leather. I advise against canvas, although you can do it, because canvas doesn't breath well.
You will wind up with something similar to medieval hose without the feet. Just make them long enough to go over the top of your footwear.
Here's a picture of me wearing some. I am wearing these with a breechcloth, but they can be worn over knee breeches. If you want them to fit over full length trousers, you can make your pattern to fit. As you can see in the next picture, mine should actually be a little longer. The gentleman next to me is wearing woolen leggins with shoes.

Re: Pants

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 2:49 am
by Manveruon
Those are cool! They really are a lot like medieval chausses. Interesting how history repeats itself sometimes.

Re: Pants

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:55 pm
by Daerir
I found a pair of 100% cotton pants that I'm going to do a little adjusting to. They have elastic and upon my studies, its not able to be removed unless I cut them completely to pieces. Luckily they are a little large so I was just going to add a string. Now I have one less item to get :mrgreen:

Re: Pants

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:18 am
by Stormraven
Recently I gave some thought to Ranger trousers. I had an old pair of deerskin leggings from my 18th century days and decided to do something with them. To be honest, I wanted to add tops to them instead of using the traditional breech cloth and this day and age, you never know who you might offend if a nether part shows so..... Well anyway, this line of thought went even further to the type of Ranger I would be portraying - a Ranger of Gondor. Well, I figured from time to time, Rangers would have to visit cities and villages, esp. in the Fourth Age where settlement was trying to move into Ithilien. Well, I figured these Rangers might have some modesty under those circumstances as well. But at the same time, I wanted to design a pair of trousers where you could do your business without pulling your trousers down (I mean who wants an Orc to run up on them with their pants down!). So I adapted the chausses idea and added a waistband that essentially functions as a belt loop. A leather belt runs through this and ties in front. An attached flap, that's actually attached to the rear belt loop section comes between the legs (like a traditional breech clout) and buttons in front, similar to 18th century button flap trousers. When you want to go relieve yourself, you unbutton the flap. If you need to take a squat, you simply pull the flap further behind you and hold it up or stuff it in your waistbelt. In this way, you need never pull your trousers down. The other good thing about them is that you can raise your legs as high as you need to (kicking, climbing trees etc.) and you don't have to worry about ripping your trousers or not being able to raise your leg high enough. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has done something similar.

Re: Pants

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:15 pm
by Manveruon
This is actually kind of brilliant, I have to say. I'm honestly surprised no primitive culture popularized a set-up just like what you're describing. The only difficulty about it, to my mind, is that it would make wearing any kind of under-garments a bit of an issue unless said undergarments functioned in exactly the same way as the "trouser" set-up.