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A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:29 pm
by Elleth
Now THIS is a piece I've been looking forward to bringing to light for ages.

I ran into Jeffrey Hildebrant of Royal Oak Armory some time ago on etsy, and just fell in love with his work. He's got an incredible eye and brilliant hand at his craft. While he mostly does arms and armor, he had a fantastic portfolio of cauldrons. He'd done a previous larger cauldron for me (pics of that sometime later) - but I still wanted a small little kettle such as a Ranger might carry on the go.

Even knowing the Romans had sheet copper cookpots and utensils, even knowing about Frodo's copper cans at Crickhollow... the things just always read "18th century" to my eye. My mental image of a 12th c.-ish Middle-earth wanted iron. Practically, I also wanted something that wouldn't fall apart at the seams if I ever managed to get careless about letting water boil out. So that's where we started:
merf-dunedain-trail-kettle-02-hanger.jpg (103.23 KiB) Viewed 19858 times
You'll notice it's hanging from a hinged potholder - those are an old hearth cooking trick for moving things about on the fire. Plus they work as nice ember tongs in a pinch for tossing bits into a tinderbox. All the accoutrements are kept in a simple linen toolroll inspired by Greg's:
merf-dunedain-trail-kettle-01-storage.jpg (93.38 KiB) Viewed 19858 times
I chose to leave off the oilcloth backing though, knowing that no matter how careful I am I'm going to get grease and soot all over it, and wanted to be able to easily and thoroughly give it a deep cleaning, which I didn't think I could do if it was on a waterproof backing. You'll also see another skewer and one of Odigan's lovely sylvan spoons in there.

The toolroll then fits in a little carrybag to keep everything orderly.

And finally, here's the real neat trick - you see that other long metal handle in there? It slides into the pot lid to make an improvised skillet.
merf-dunedain-trail-kettle-03-skillet.jpg (58.44 KiB) Viewed 19858 times

I'm overjoyed with this piece of Jeffrey's - I think he's managed a just incredibly useful little treasure. :)

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:45 pm
by Ursus
Holy crap! That has got to be the best piece of kit I’ve seen on here. Ever. What’s the stats on that beauty?

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:55 pm
by Peter Remling
That is a beautifully thought out and executed piece. Congrats

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:01 pm
by Iodo
Amazing, the detail on the brass (is it brass?) just makes it.
Elleth wrote:here's the real neat trick - you see that other long metal handle in there? It slides into the pot lid to make an improvised skillet.
Clever :lol:

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:17 pm
by Elleth
Thank you all!
What’s the stats on that beauty?
It's quite small - about 3.75" in diameter and about the same in height. Being iron, it's fairly stout at 11 3/4 oz, and holds just about exactly 2 cups when full. It's just big enough for a hearty serving of stew or large cup of morning tea - but I won't be serving a troop of hobbits out of it. :)

Here it next to a Westminster Forge corn boiler for size comparison:
merf-dunedain-trail-kettle-04-sizing.jpg (27.31 KiB) Viewed 19832 times
Master Hildebrant also sent me some lovely "I'm done" photos if you'd like to see it minus the soot and ook -
merf-dunedain-trail-kettle-05-progresspics.jpg (66.95 KiB) Viewed 19832 times
the detail on the brass (is it brass?) just makes it.
I'm quite partial to it - the floral pattern was a riff off the professor's own flowers I did some time back. Were I to commission the project over again, I might pass on the trim: as much as I like the look of it, it does expand more than the iron in a hot fire, so a gap opens up. I don't expect any problems, but it's something I'm keeping my eye on.

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:33 am
by Straelbora
An inspired bit of cookware. I'm sure like many others, I'm envious.

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:14 am
by Greg
He really did knock that one out of the park. Well thought-out...I'm sure it'll serve you well!

EDIT: I was pretty skeptical at the early drawings and concept of this, but after studying it a bit, I'm starting to come around. It follows a personal goal of mine: to divorce my "look" from non- Middle-earth-y keep things firmly rooted in our chosen 'period'. It definitely does that, the iron specifically. I have no need to follow suit, but there may be a day that I sit back, take another look and say "ya know, it's time." A great archetypal addition to your kit...your design nailed it.

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 2:45 am
by Udwin
Hoo boy, that's a SWEET piece. Excellent inspiration and execution! Can't wait to see it in conjunction with the rest of your kit.
Now I just need to pick my jaw up off the floor : P

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:19 am
by Harper
That is an outstanding piece.

A true work of art.

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:28 pm
by Ranger Austin
That's absolutely gorgeous! One of these days when I'm less engrossed in schoolwork I'll start assembling a kit and I must remember to keep things like this in the front of my mind.

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:11 pm
by Manveruon
OH. OH DEAR. OOOOOH MY OH MY THAT IS JUST... WOW. This is on a whole new level, Elleth. Simply stunning. I think this may be the best example of a fully fleshed out, believable 3rd-Age Dunedain artifact I have EVER SEEN. It just... FITS perfectly. The brass band at the top may be giving you some worry, but I think that's really the thing that brings the design all together. It makes it look REAL, in the context of Middle Earth. And of course, the lid/skillet idea is nothing short of inspired.

This post is like a Ranger moment of zen for me. This is when I see this hobby start to feel REAL. Very, VERY nicely done.

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:59 pm
by caedmon
So did you intend for this to echo to the Westland style caldrons?

Re: A Dunedain Ranger's mess kit

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:27 am
by Elleth
Not those specifically, but I looked at so many pots in the early research phase I'd not be surprised if there was some unconscious influence.

The kettle is based largely on Dark Ages riveted cauldrons of course, but the basic form and dimensions fell out of the requirement to fit in a slim cylindrical snapsack: a little smaller at top than bottom to leave room for the ears, a slightly dished bottom to nestle in coals, etc. Our Dunedain arc aesthetic informed the shape as well, I'm sure.