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Anyone seen this video?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:37 am
by Iodo

This seems strangely similar to Andy's original ground sheet?
Long_view.jpg (62.81 KiB) Viewed 4259 times

Re: Anyone seen this video?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:48 am
by Elleth
It's similar: Dave Canterbury also released something not too terribly different in the last couple years.
I've been meaning to sew something in that space just to try out the concept: but his looks close enough to the pattern I was gonna use that I might just get his one day.

Anyhow - I don't think it's a plagarism issue as such, and I don't think the origin here is with Andy (much as I respect our OG Ranger! :) )

Rather, If one looks through early woodcraft books (Nessmuk, etc) you'll find I think similar experiments going on, and many I suspect are quite old. A lot of those ideas were eclipsed when the commerical camping equipment world really took off in the ~1960's. Now in the age of the internet the tiny fraction of outdoorsfolk that are also old-timey nuts are pulling out all these old ideas and "remixing" them.

Cool time. :mrgreen:

Re: Anyone seen this video?

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:09 pm
by Iodo
Interesting :P

I thought I'd post it here because I wasn't sure if it was Andy's original idea or not, I've never seen it mentioned anywhere else but that's understandable, I haven't done nearly as much reading/research as most of the folks on this forum