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Mugs full of...<insert alcoholic beverage here>

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:14 pm
by Greg
Greetings! A tavern song I have for you that sort of sprung out of me while at work today. I'd, of course, like some input, but I'd also be interested to see if the characters make sense. It tells a short story, of sorts, and I want to make sure I got the message across, so please feel free to post your interpretation of what happened (setting, who speaks when, etc.) along with feedback, if you've a mind to do so, and we'll see how close (or far off) I am to what I wanted.

Rumor of war in the east
Reached our timid ears
As we sat ‘round the fire we heard
Words of darkest fears
“That’s all talk and nonsense!”
My cry others did hear
“Cause there’ll be happy times
so long’s our mugs are full of beer!”

Hey-ho, diddle-I-oh!
The trouble’s far from here!
Hey-ho, diddle-I-oh!
Our mugs are full of beer!

“There’s nothin’ to be scared of,
No beast out of tall tales!”
As we sat ‘round the fire lacking
Several key details
“That’s all talk and nonsense!”
The Ranger’s voice did wail
“But you don’t have a clue
Because your minds are full of ale!”

Hey-ho, diddle-I-oh!
Our faces plump and pale!
Hey-ho, diddle-I-oh!
Minds were full of ale!

“Leave my tenants be, good sir,
There really is no need!”
As we sat 'round the fire drunk,
The Ranger he agreed
“It's not talk nor nonsense,
it comes like a stampede”
And then, his cry “But still, this night,
Let’s fill our mugs with mead!”

Hey-ho, diddle-I-oh!
The fun I’ll not impede!
Hey-ho, diddle-I-Oh!
Fill our mugs with mead!

Hey-ho, diddle-I-oh!
The time will come to think!
Hey-ho, diddle-I-oh!
But last, this while, we'll drink!

You'd never believe it, but, honest, I'm not a big drinker! *chuckles*

Re: Mugs full of...<insert alcoholic beverage here>

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:49 am
by kaelln
Well, first, let me say I quite liked it!

My interpretation: A Ranger, possibly Aragorn, is sitting around talking with a group of hobbits at the Prancing Pony in Bree. He's trying to warn them of what's coming, but, being hobbits, they are not concerned with the doings of "big folk", especially when there is drinking to be done! Barleyman Butterburr wants his customers merry and happy and drinking lots, so he tries to get the Ranger to shut up. The Ranger, seeing his warnings fall on deaf ears, gives in and agrees that, for one night anyway, they can all just drink and be happy.

The first speaker sounds quite a bit like one of the hobbits in Hobbiton, you know, the one that makes fun of Sam for his interest in Elves and goings on in the wider world, although I doubt he'd (what was his name?) ever go as far from Hobbiton as Bree. (Them Bree folk are queer, you know!) I'm going to identify the second speaker as Aragorn, since we know that he was in Bree enough to be known there. The third speaker is Barleyman, and the final speaker is Aragorn again.

Close at all, or way off?

Regardless, that poem is just begging to be set to music! ;)

Re: Mugs full of...<insert alcoholic beverage here>

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:52 pm
by Greg

You win!

I was actually thinking of the Green Dragon when I wrote this, but it works for either, and there aren’t any writings about Rangers being at the Green Dragon specifically, so there’s no way for anyone to have known either way and the Prancing Pony, of course, is the more logical choice, but yeah, you hit it on the nose. One hobbit’s saying it’s nothing, Ranger gets torqued off, innkeeper calms him down, he says “Oh, what the heck…they’re just hobbits” and buys a round.

Set to music? Already on its way! Though, honestly, if you don't want to wait, it fits the rhythm of the “Irish Drinking Song” melody from the American "Whose Line is it Anyway?" TV show rather well. Not intentional…my wife mentioned that yesterday. And now you'll have it stuck in your head all day...muahahahaa....

Re: Mugs full of...<insert alcoholic beverage here>

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:54 pm
by Ernildir
Most enjoyable, and an interesting concept. I look forward to hearing the finished product.

Re: Mugs full of...<insert alcoholic beverage here>

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 1:33 am
by kaelln
Well, it's not that I'm so clever or anything, it's just really well written! Good job! More!

Re: Mugs full of...<insert alcoholic beverage here>

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:28 pm
by Chris Russo
Excellent! It reminds me of the songs you hear sung by "Three Pints Shy" (whose schtick is they sing all drinking songs).

Re: Mugs full of...<insert alcoholic beverage here>

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:57 pm
by Mirimaran
Great job, Greg! Awaiting the video!