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Archer thoughts

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:10 pm
by Eledhwen
I've been preparing for hunting season; this might not seem much to do with martial arts but during the medieval period it was considered an excellent way to prepare for elements of warfare.

Some things I've noted, at least from a preliminary stance:

1) Dresses are not an impediment to hunting in the forests around here so far. Surprisingly actually, but there it is; I wear kirtle with eight gores, hooded mantle, hosen and toggle shoes...and I have been both sure-footed and silent without snagging or having troubles with my garments. I did have the dress skirts rucked up to ankle length however.

2) The cloth arrow bag, or leather if you prefer, is far superior for broadheads over the belt or quiver..for me at any rate. The belt works fine for bodkins and perhaps to an extent leaf bladed heads...but for broadheads..not so much. For me.

3) The clothing is warm and comfortable being linen and wool. No synthetics. Why ever didn't I give this a go before? I love the hood for shadowing the face, yes I do. Beats hats all to hell; thank goodness orange is not necessary during archery season or I'd have to make an orange hood or hat. O-o

4) Leggings (additional to winningas) were known from the Roman-Celtic period; using them with low or ankle high boots makes a grand combination, even with a dress on. With pants or hosen on it protects from dew drenched vegetation and brambles. I recommend them. I am finding them more comfortable than one piece boots in some applications.

5) I'm using my war is 72" long and draws 55# @ 28" although it is designed for my own draw which is 31" it a full draw pull of between 64 - 70# if the brace height is optimal. I have not found it to be a problem in the forest at all, nor in the brush. I had expected it would be but thus far it has not been so.

6) The haversack is better than the pack for a day or two if no cooking is planned. Nothing beats a frame for rucks; and for being able to pack out heavy weight if necessary. Rattan soaked in water bends readily and will keep its shape once dry...protected with varnish and sealed well, it makes a good frame for a rucksack, especially when covered with leather to which the ruck laces. We know the Hallstatt culture had hods for packing salt that had frames. I'm still ironing this out a bit but it is promising.

7) Finally, I recommend bare tuning your arrows, if you are making them yourself, and practicing your shooting from kneeling, sitting, and well as adjusting range by bending from the waist and not by elevating or depressing the arm.

For an archer, traveling light with arrows ready to hand is a good thing...whether hunting game or orcs. Illuminating it has been thus far. YMMV.


Re: Archer thoughts

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:16 pm
by Willrett
There was a lot of great info there. I will be hunting next year on full garb. I still have to work out quiver and boots.

Can you post pics of the ruck?

Re: Archer thoughts

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:57 pm
by Eledhwen
Once I have the frame sorted out I'll get picks of the whole rig and put them in my kit album on photobucket. I'm still tinkering with lacing and tensions on it. The idea was to be able to hike out a haunch or two of meat if I were on my own and couldn't haul everything at once. A hypothetical situation since in this state the animal must be tagged and presented whole before skinning and butchering. Still, planning for survival is a good thing and carting out sacks into which one can load stones for weight is a reasonable replacement for meat.

We get big deer up here.
