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Question for the Tolkien Scholars out there

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:24 pm
by Peter Remling
Wasn't sure where to put this so here is as good as any.

I'm just finishing up The Hobbit. The last time I read it was about 15 years ago and I have several questions. I'm at the Battle of the Five Armies so at least one of my questions may be answered shortly and I just don't remember it from my previous readings.

When the dwarves were taken prisoner by the woodelves, Orcrist is taken from Thorin. What becomes of the sword afterward ? Does it fall again into human hands, if so, whose and when ?

Smaug falls victim to Bard's black arrow and lands on Laketown sending it to the bottom of Longlake, are there any records of what becomes of Smaug's corpse and the many gems imbedded in his underside ?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:39 pm
by Chris Russo
Both are answered soon, I believe.

Orcrist was returned by the Elves in honor of Thorin's death, and was placed on his grave deep in under the Lonely Mountain. Because it glows in the presence of orcs, it was said ever after that the Lonely Mountain could never be taken by surprise.

Smaug's corpse rots at the bottom of the lake, and no-one dared dive down to try to retrieve the coins and jewels that were stuck to his scales. When they rebuild Laketown, they built it at the other end of the lake.